Autumn's Promise Assisted Living

Need for Senior Living Increases

It’s estimated that more than 10,000 people turn 65 years old every day in the United States. These people, known as “baby boomers”, from the population increase that occurred in years following World War 2, will have an impact on senior living facilities within the next decade. Much of the senior care housing stock was built in the 1960’s and 70’s to provide care for a different generation. Today, with more energy efficient building materials, a better understanding of user-friendly floor plans, and higher expectations of residential amenities, along with increased numbers of seniors, there is a shortage of up-to-date senior space. There will be a need to upgrade this existing senior housing stock as well as to plan for an increase in the number of facilities when the “boomers” begin entering senior housing facilities in the upcoming years — 2020 to 2030.
Here at Smet Construction Services we take pride in our involvement in senior living. Our Smet project managers and construction staff have collectively more than 40 years of experience in constructing senior facilities. Recently, we were honored to construct a new senior facility known as Autumn’s Promise in the Green Bay area.
Our Smet staff worked closely with the owners on site selection, project feasibility, project financing, and marketing to bring this new senior living complex into fruition. Our research staff even assisted to quantify the number of seniors in the targeted geographical area in order to provide a spatial advantage over the competition. An excellent location with freeway visibility and access was secured. Financing was secured. Our crew made sure we were including the most up-to-date floor plan, kitchen and social media amenities. The project was valued-engineered to make sure we fit into the owner’s budget. Finally, the project manager and staff, some with backgrounds in interior design, helped the owners in their selection of the finishes and furnishings. What resulted was a thoroughly modern and up-to-date senior living facility that residents are happy to call home.
Call on Smet to help you with your next senior project. Let us put our experience to work for you and learn how we can help you deliver a quality senior living facility. We provide the Smet Advantage – excellent customer service and follow-through!

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