Childcare Facility – Shining Stars Childcare Ribbon Cutting

Shining Stars Childcare Opens for Back-to-School

The compliments were flying this week as Shining Stars Childcare opened its new facility in the Village of Hobart in time for back-to-school. From the number of praises sung during the grand-opening ribbon cutting, it was enough to make several of us at Smet blush. First, Laura Peszko, President of Shining Star, commended Smet Construction on its performance in making its opening deadline. “When things got tough, Smet forged ahead”, Laura said. “We began before the financing was completed and Smet really made things happen.” The construction schedule was fast-tracked in order to make the back-to-school calendar.
Then, John Peszko echoed his wife’s praise of Smet, and noted that Smet’s Jeff Schounard, the project site manager, didn’t miss a thing when it came to the details. Elaine Willman, Economic Development Director for the Village of Hobart, got into the act and said; “Before we began this project, we had been looking for a day care provider for two years. We’re so happy to have John & Laura. They saw the benefit.” Elaine also applauded the school board and complimented the school superintendent, for his cooperation in donating the land for the project and acknowledged Smet having the wherewithal to back the project throughout the two year process.
Finally, Paul Belschner, Smet’s President and CFO, thanked the Village of Hobart and the owners of Shining Stars for involving Smet as the contractor. “We’ve been involved in a lot of these public/private partnerships where we try to find a solution to a problem. It seems to be a niche where we do well. They’re not for every builder” he said, “but we aren’t afraid of them (public/private partnerships). Thank you for allowing Smet to be a part of this.” He went on to praise Elaine with the Village, “I can’t say enough about Elaine who was “tenacious” in her two-year effort to bring day care to the village of Hobart.”
The new facility was designed with the latest in child safety and child development space settings. It has large learning areas, play areas, a secured yard, separate rooms for reading and eating, a teacher’s lounge and a state-of-the-art kitchen.
Congratulations to the Peszko’s and the Village of Hobart! We might have been blushing from the praises on another project well done, but it doesn’t mean we at Smet Construction Services are bragging or taking anything for granted. We truly are grateful to have been selected as the Shining Stars contractor and look forward to continuing a successful relationship with the Peszko’s and the Village of Hobart!
For more information:
Greg Polacheck, Director of Market Research and Development
[email protected]

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