Bellin Run, Green Bay

Summertime Brings the Bellin Run Calling!

Summertime in Wisconsin brings out the best of us in terms of playing outside. Given our great Wisconsin summer weather which is much nicer than our weather during the other seasons, summer is when people make excuses just to be outside. This year is no different as several Smet employees have been training these past few months for Green Bay’s 38th upcoming Annual Bellin Run/Walk to be held June 14th, start time 8:00 a.m.
Most days after work, Alicia Goldman and Karen Klevesahl from the Smet administrative team can be found jogging downtown Green Bay after work, trying to improve their run times. Alicia says she is trying to beat her time from last year and Karen says she is hoping to complete the race in an hour. Paul Belschner, Smet’s President and CFO, says “This is the 4th year where Smet is a corporate challenger and it really is a fun event where the whole family can come out and enjoy the morning.”
The 10K (6.2 mile) course begins at the Bellin Hospital and travels throughout Green Bay. This year’s Boston Marathon winner, Meb Keflezighi will be running the course as well as running stars such as four-time Boston Marathon winner, Bill Rodgers, and Olympian runners, Uta Pippig and Joan Samuelson. Regardless of the elite runners, each year the event draws upwards over 20,000 registrants.
It has become a time of year where the folks at Bellin and the entire medical community uses to remind us all to try to improve our health. Even if you can’t run, take time to reassess your lifestyle and make changes in your diet and exercise routine.  Bellin puts out tons of medical literature advising people how to improve their health. Basically, much of the literature involves increasing exercise, eating lots of green leafy foods and cutting out snacks, soda, and junk foods; advice most of us have heard many times. Nevertheless, it is good to be reminded again at this time of year when we are all trying to look good at the beach in our swimming suits.
So suck in that gut, come out and join the Smet corporate challenge during the 38th Bellin Run on June 14th in Green Bay. See you at the finish line!
For more information:
Greg Polacheck, Director of Market Research
[email protected]

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