
Thanksgiving is a Special Time of the Year!

When the leaves begin to turn, and the weather gets a little colder, and the deer begin to stir, many of us turn our attention inwardly to other pursuits. It becomes a time for reflection, a time to check in on what is right with the world. And its then, when you check the calendar, you notice that Thanksgiving is right there upon you taking its significant place as the last Thursday in November, the gateway to the holidays and winter solstice.
If we’re lucky to be able to take the time, some of us pursue deer in the woods. Some of us pursue bargains in the marketplace! And most of us spend time with our families and friends.
When I asked around the Smet offices what we were most thankful for, I received some wonderful answers—the gift of life; my health; my friends; my family; my co-workers; the great memories of my father; food on the table; a roof over my head; my job; family support; my health and the health of my family and friends; a workplace with interesting work; my customers; our clients.
Here at Smet we are thankful for many blessings. Most of all we are thankful for each other and for you our customers and vendors who we work with each day to help and support you in your projects.
So if you find yourself putting in a little extra time over this special holiday, be sure to take a moment to pause and reflect. What are you thankful for?  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
For More Information:
Greg Polacheck, Director of Market Research
[email protected]

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