WasteCap Dumpster

WasteCap Helps Smet to Recycle!

When Smet first sets up the construction job site, we proudly install our “Waste Cap” signage that indicates our membership and commitment to recycling. Folks from neighboring businesses often come over, scratch their heads asking: “What is this WasteCap” sign?”  And our project managers simply inform them of Smet’s commitment to recycling on the job site.
A more thorough answer, however, is that, WasteCap Resources Solutions is a non-profit, industry-supported 501 ( C-3) organization that provides waste reduction and recycling services to businesses such as the construction industry.  WasteCap generates a waste management plan for each job and helps us to track how much waste we can expect and how much waste we can recycle. They generate a tracking system that with proper planning on the front end often leads to recycling rates up to 90% on some jobs. The end result is savings for our customers, the end building user.
Since its inception in 1998, WasteCap Resource Solutions and its clients have diverted over 501,500 tons of construction and demolition waste from landfills and an equivalent of 185,807 trees have been saved by recycling wood materials. Smet’s Sarah Reese LEED AP ID+C, says “It’s easy to use WasteCap’s reports, plus they help us with our LEED documentation for LEED certification!” Reese is Smet’s resident LEED expert who adds that customers, especially the younger generation, want their contractor to care about the environment and want to know how the job is affecting the area’s landfills.
With Smet’s commitment to WasteCap, we are incorporating environmentally-friendly construction methods into all of our projects. It is not just a verbal commitment, it is our practice.
Danger - Wastecap Signage
For More Information Contact:
Greg Polacheck, Director of Market Research
[email protected],    920.532.3828

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